At long last, the 1Malaysia slogan has been revealed for what it truly is: the greatest failure of Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak.
What for so long has been bandied about as the keyword for racial harmony and unity has been debunked as a 100 percent failure at the recent Umno general assembly and the one who debunked this mythic 1Malaysia slogan is none other than Najib himself. Poetic justice, you might say.
Thus, the prime minister has proven himself to be the greatest spinner of yarns and tall tales beyond comparison and 1Malaysia is his greatest masterpiece, so to speak, as he has proclaimed that 1Malaysia is his brainchild. It beats out GTP, ETP, NKRA, NKEA and what not.
The sixth Malaysian prime minister will thus go down in history as the master of spin, sloganeering and story-telling. Incredible credentials, indeed, if one were a movie director or producer for sure. But as a prime minister? Naah!
Najib’s move of pandering to the demands of the ultra-Malays in order to gain support of the Malays is a crass and lowdown tactic unbecoming of someone who aspires to be a great statesman. What will other world leaders think?
It is time for Najib to wake up to the fact that his words and deeds are watched not only by Malaysians here but also by other world leaders and Malaysians overseas. Still, he has reached the point of no-return and his “movement of moderates” talk is all hype, hot air and hoo-ha over nothing.
As we approach the finishing line towards the dissolution of Parliament, Najib seems desperate to build up what he considers as enough solid support before calling for the 13th general election. And by solid support, he is thinking of the Malay vote.
His desperation shows through clearly as he comes across as a muddled flip-flopper lacking in direction of whether to adopt a policy encompassing all races or only a Malay-only policy.
His party, Umno, is also rudderless and clueless on how to steer the Malaysian economy through unchartered stormy seas next year when the global economic crisis truly hits our shores and we have been forewarned. Instead, Najib and Barisan Nasional leaders are deluding themselves that the Malaysian economy is all fine and hunky-dory.
The Umno general assembly has deteriorated into a barbaric sword and shield-clanging feast as each Umno leader vowed death and destruction to their perceived enemy forces. Nothing on economic or administrative policies for the good of the nation was discussed.
Najib has totally lost it! Nothing can salvage 1Malaysia now. He has had his chance of implementing genuine political reforms but he blew it. His stand now is to strictly obey the Umno warlords and the ultra-Malays. He has now transformed himself into becoming a barbarian warlord – truly a government transformation programme!
Polls after Chinese New Year
Due to Umno’s outright wooing of the Malays, Taiping MP, DAP’s Nga Kor Ming, has opined that the 13th general election will be held between two and four weeks after Chinese New Year to lessen the Chinese vote. This is because once the Chinese have taken long leave to go back to their hometown for the Chinese New Year, it will be difficult for them to take leave again to go back to vote.
In 2012, Chinese New Year falls on Jan 23 and thus polling will be between Feb 11 and 26.
Besides, the feel-good factor among the rakyat is still there in February after the distribution of goodies by BN in January when in fact the goodies themselves come from the rakyat’s money!
In March, the feel-good factor would have dissipated so BN will want to hold the polls as near as possible to the date of the distribution of the goodies – and February fits the bill.
Another reason why the polls will not be held in March, opined Nga, is that the BN federal government will not want Pakatan Rakyat to remind the people of the political tsunami of March 2008. Therefore, March is out.
However, the government must not think that it can do as it likes by riding rough-shod over the rakyat. The time is coming when the world is changing. In Russia, the opposition and its supporters are already protesting due to widespread fraud and malpractice in the Russian elections.
With Time magazine naming “The Protester” as the Person of the Year for 2011, there are signs that the global movement for change is already at hand as the world’s populations are demanding justice and fair play.
The incumbent government must pay heed to the signs of the times and not talk down to the citizens. It must not continue to display arrogance as the oppressed people have shown that they can and will arise to overthrow despotic and dictatorial regimes that are merciless in suppressing the voice of the people.
Mother of all battles
With the 13th general election touted to be the mother of all battles, the BN federal government must be prepared to be genuinely people-friendly and take concrete steps to address the rising cost of living instead of just dishing out piecemeal goodies to the rakyat akin to throwing a bone to the hungry dog – and this shows that the government is insulting the rakyat.
By the way, dishing out goodies is the norm prior to elections, as at other times the rakyat get nothing.
In his craze to win support from the Malays, Najib has become confused and therefore is an epitome of contradictions. He has the gumption to still say that the government will go all out to help the Chinese when, during the Umno general assembly, his message was the direct opposite.
Not to mention his speech at Pekida, an ultra-Malay non-governmental organisation. It is extremely obvious now that Najib speaks with a forked tongue and this is a clear indication of his craze and lust for power.
At the end of the day, the Government Transformation Programme (GTP) is an outright failure. Can Malaysia be rid of the malaise that is Umno? Is Najib ready to face the economic challenges for this coming decade? Will Najib lead the nation towards Vision 2020?
By the way, where are we going as a nation? Or is that question no longer relevant? Can Najib really answer the tough questions?
Selena Tay is a FMT columnist.