I wrote an article criticising the Pakatan Rakyat performance in early October and some people thought my analysis had exaggerated the situation. However, the results of the two by-elections proved that it was not alarmist at all.The Pakatan Rakyat suffered big losses in the Galas and the Batu Sapi by-elections. It should be aware that rural areas are still strongholds of the BN and the seats they seized from the BN in the 2008 general elections could all return to the BN after the return of Malay votes.Take Galas as an example. PAS won the seat be defeating the BN with a majority of 646 votes in the 2008 general election. However, in the by-election this time, 8% of Malay votes, 13% of Orang Asli votes and 2%...
YAPIM Dijadikan "Alat" Oleh Dato Mukhriz Mahathir......???
Copy & Posted By mahi on Nov 8, 2010
Sebelum saya memaparkan e-mail dari seorang sahabat saya yang mahu nama penuhnya tidak disiarkan, saya ingin tegaskan beberapa perkara. Pertama, saya bukan pengikut tegar YB Dato Mukhriz Mahathir (MM) mahupun YB Khairy Jamaluddin (KJ). Saya juga tidak pernah atau sedang menerima habuan atau elaun bulanan dengan bertujuan untuk mempertahankan satu pihak dan memburukkan satu pihak yang lain 24 jam sehari 7 hari seminggu. Saya pernah beberapa kali memberi kritikan pedas kepada KJ tetapi bukan bermakna saya membencinya secara individu. Sepatutnya kita membeci seseorang kerana tingkah lakunya dan bukan berdendam kerana individu itu sendiri. E-mail berkenaan berbunyi:"Salam 1Malaysia,
Hari ini 6/11/2010 berlansungnya satu program...