THIRD FORCE :- Alternatif kepada BN dan PR.....???

on Oct 4, 2010

Tanah baru sekangkang kera pun tak boleh kawal ke..... Ahli bukan nya ramai sangat...Tak ada pun berjuta juta....Adakah PKR mahu kami yang muak dengan peragduhan perbalahan  gengsterisma rasuah lobi, bila tiba musim pemilihan, beralih arah....?????...

Umno’s fight to stay in power is threat to stability, says report

on Oct 4, 2010

 A recent report by The Economist has singled out intrigues within Umno and the ruling party’s determination to stay in power at all costs as the biggest threats to political stability in Malaysia. The Economist Intelligence Unit country report also suggested that Pakatan Rakyat (PR) would make gains, but was “unlikely to garner enough parliamentary seats to form a majority government.” Malaysia’s stability over the last five decades has depended on three “steadying factors”: Barisan Nasional’s (BN) firm hold on power, Umno’s tight control of BN and Malay majority support for Umno,” said the magazine’s Intelligence Report on Malaysia for October.It noted, however, that all three were no longer a given, as...

Raja Petra tidak lagi sehaluan dengan Pakatan...??? Betul Ke Tu.......???

on Oct 4, 2010

Raja Petra Kamarudin, yang kononnya dianggap sebagai seorang penulis blog politik bebas, tetapi sebenarnya berpihak kepada pembangkang dikatakan kini tidak lagi sehaluan denganPakatan Rakyat.Menurut portal berita The Malaysian Insider, Raja...

Don’t you just hate it when someone says: I told you so...???

on Oct 4, 2010

I told Zaid Ibrahim a long time ago: don’t join PKR. This was when he was still in Umno and not even made a Cabinet Minister yet. I asked him to lead a Third Force, a ‘balance’ between Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat.Zaid said even if we create a Third Force we would still need a political party platform. Fine, I replied, then join DAP and bring a group of Malay professionals, civil society movement and NGO activists, Bloggers, and so on, with him into DAP -- maybe a core group of 30 or so people not yet committed to any political party.“Why DAP? Why not PKR?” Zaid asked. And I gave him my reasons why DAP and not PKR.Not long after that Zaid was made a Minister and I thought that that was the end of the story. Then...

Musa Hassan, a thorn in Hishammuddin’s side

on Oct 4, 2010

On 30th September 2010, Malaysia Today published an article entitled “The Cradle of Power Behind The Police Force” ( written by someone calling himself/herself Malaysian Police Watch. It is such a copycat piece. There was no originality at all either in the plot or in the script. It is basically a reproduction of what Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK) had previously written in his series “All roads lead to Putrajaya” dating back to 2007. These days everyone tries to copy RPK’s style of writing, even his own biggest enemy Musa Hassan!It is unmistakeable that Malaysian Police Watch is a mercenary writer...

Najib Terlibat Konspirasi Beli Wakil Rakyat PKR....???

on Oct 4, 2010

Cerita Lama.....??? Mengikut pendedahan dokumen rasmi SPRM berkenaan dengan laporan YB Lim Soo Nee. YB tersebut telah membuat laporan rasmi kepada SPRM di atas percubaan membeli beliau untuk keluar parti dan menjatuhkan kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat...

Part 6: The MACC NFA the case against Khir Toyo (3)

on Oct 4, 2010



on Oct 4, 2010

Assalamualaikum, Apabila telah merasat lazat memegang kuasa, dan kemudian merasa lazat dengan habuan yang menggolek bersama kuasa yang diperolehi, maka perebutan berlaku. Kebanyakan parti yang tiada tarbiyah akan bercekak antara satu dengan yang...


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