The outcome is predicted to be obvious - Johor being a BN stronghold. But Pakatan, the challenger will fight tooth and nail to reduce the majority. On nomination day the books stood at BN winning with a majority of 3000.
According to bookies Muhudin’s boast of 5000 winning majority is a pipe dream. Bookmakers at Labis town says the majority may be less than 2000 after witnessing the ceremah crowd pick up bigger audiences over the last three days, this despite the fact that Pakatan were refused permits for ceremahs to be held in open space, like fields.
Fairness, of course has never been the game played by the BN. Be that as it may Pakatan has played according to rule and a reduced majority will be a stark blow to BN, close to the count out at 10. Some did not dismiss a Pakatan win as the call to the young to come back to vote is materializing. But we believe that it will be a gallant fight from Cikgu Mala and her support teams.
(NewZealander Serene, I did show her your SMS you sent me for her. She says Terima Kasih.)
This fact cannot be discounted. Felda IS BN’s fixed deposit, and a timely one too with price increases etc. The Felda elders have not awakened to the fact that whilst things look fair to them they continue to close their eyes to two factors:
1. Mismanagement at Felda (v YouTube)
2. The second generation i.e. the young are restless and have sublimated their conflicts with drugs, petty crimes, unemployment and all the attendant negatives ensuing from such frustrations.
However, though a mite too late for Tenang, there is an awakening amongst Felda Settlers to right the wrongs inflicted on them. PAS’ ANAK is making significant contributions to check the fat cats in Felda. Felda countered it with their BAPAK whose wobbly baby-steps prompted UMNO to form another group to compliment BAPAK.
PKR too has joined in to fight for the Felda settlers. Yesterday some 23 Felda settlers scored a victory when the High Court here today set aside an injunction preventing them from clearing their own land without outside interference.
Previously, two groups of Felda settlers won their case respectively against Felda at Federal Court and Kuantan High Court last year.
They are from Felda Kemahang 3 and Felda Sungai Koyan 2 and 3 respectively.
It is a good sign that the settlers are fighting back. It may not affect Tenang tomorrow but anything can happen. Patients, unexpectedly have come out of comas, yes?
Time to crawl into my sleeping bag as we have an early day today.
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