The more I read about the National Feedlot Center (NFC) involving the Welfare Minister Shahrizat Jalil and her family members, the more I believe in the report by the Auditor General concerning the ‘mess’ observed on the project. And if the scandalous act by the management of the NFC proves to be true and is proven as such, then I can only say this i.e. send all of them to serve a prison term and a sacking for lady Welfare Minister. I see no other kinder judgment except only a prison term for such thievery and squandering of taxpayer’s money that the government seems not to be too concern about.
Ministers and some UMNO leaders have come out in defence of the project including the PM himself, but strangely the then Agriculture Minister who would have known about the project when it was approved during his tenure has remained mute till this day. Why is he too scared to open his mouth and has allowed the present Agriculture Minister Noh Omar to say his piece, knowing full well that what come out from Noh Omar are denials.
Now we are told that RM9.8 million of the loan intended for the NFC project was used to purchase an exclusive ‘One Menerung’ condo at Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur. I do not know what ‘menerung’ means, but to me a strange word means strange things. I hope the word has nothing to do with the dubious deals carried out by the Sharhrizat family in the purchase of the exclusive condo (if it is true). And I can only laugh when opposition leader Saifuddin Nasution asked whether the condo was purchased for the cows. And if it does, these cows must be one of the most unique cows in the world adorning goldern hoofs, I suppose.
Shahrizat has now to come out clean and fast off the many allegations made against her and her family members concerning the NFC affair. It has gone far too deep and the more she denies of any wrong doing, the more revelations will be made that will hurt her chances for a candidacy in the upcoming GE. The condo being in Bangsar (her former constituency) is sure to become a hot topic during the election campaign.
I am surprised at the amount of information revealed by the opposition concerning the NFC affair, and this confirms what was told to me by some government officials that moles does exist in about every ministry and department of the government. Even the highest level of government is not free of such moles. Whether this is good or bad, I do not know, but what I do know is that there is already a sense of frustration and anger among some honest and likeminded government officials that they have had enough of the abuses by the government, that is gradually being exposed by the opposition.
Finally, I only have praise and my highest respect for the Auditor General Tan Sri Ambrin Buang for coming out with such revealing reports. He could have hidden a lot of ‘skeletons’ but choose not to. Such is Ambrin Buang, a man of integrity that takes his job with full responsibility without fear or favour. If only we can have the likes of Ambrin Buang heading ministries and departments, I think the BN is assured of ruling the country for another 100 years.
By : Brigadier General (R) Dato Mohd. Arshad Raji

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