Ini di Israel.. Menteri bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya terhadap apa yang terjadi di bawah kelolaan Kementeriannya..
Walau apa alasannya ada pihak mendakwa ianya adalah kerana kalah dalam perang di Gaza baru-baru ini.. Berlainan halnya dengan apa yang ada di Malaysia ini..
Walaupun terbukti telah ditolak oleh rakyat dalam PRU12 yang lalu, kerana mereka itu kroni.. dilantik juga menjadi Menteri..
Walaupun didedahkan kegagalan Kementerian mereka dalam menangani sesuatu isu, dikaitkan mereka lengkap dengan dengan bukti bagi salah guna kuasa itu… nak letak jawatan jauh sekali..
Apa yang sering mereka lakukan ialah mencipta alasan-alasan bodoh untuk memperbodohkan rakyat dan menuding jari keseluruh arah menyalahkan pihak lain, seolah-olah mereka itu sempurna..
Kenapa agaknya?.. adakah ini menunjukkan UMNO/BN kini sudah ketandusan pemimpin hinggakan terpaksa di re-cycle semula individu yang telah ditolak rakyat. ?
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Israel defence minister Barak quits politicsmsnnews
Barak, 70, made the surprise announcement at a press conference in Tel Aviv, adding that he would retire from politics after a new government is formed in the wake of January elections.
"I have decided to resign from political life and not participate in the upcoming Knesset elections," Barak said.
"I will finish my duties as defence minister with the formation of the next government in three months," he added, saying that he wanted to spend more time with his family.
Barak's announcement came as political observers had speculated the long-time politician would announce he was joining another political party ahead of the January 22 elections.
Many suspected he might pair up with former foreign minister Tzipi Livni to run on a centrist ticket, after she quit the centre-right Kadima party following her loss in a primary vote.
But few believed that Barak would announce he was quitting political life altogether, in a decision that caps a tumultuous year for him.
In January, he resigned from the Labour party where he had spent his entire political life, leading his newly-formed Independence faction into the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
He had taken the Labour party into the coalition against the wishes of many of its members, who objected to the hawkish bent of Netanyahu's government.

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