Ali bin Abdul Jalil, charged with Sedition in Selayang and Shah Alam where he is due to appear on 20th and 21st November, and adopted by Amnesty International Malaysia as a prisoner of conscience, is now in Sweden awaiting to have his application heard to be granted political asylum.
Rakyat Times was informed that he left Malaysia on 18 Oct and, from Bangkok, flew to Stockholm on the morning of 21 Oct, 2014.

In Stockholm, Ali made his way to Amnesty International Sweden where he was advised on the procedure for applying for asylum status.
He was then taken to the asylum centre in Stockholm and later moved to another town, Morsta.
On 22 Oct, he was fingerprinted for identification purpose and handed his passport to the local Swedish authorities.
On 23 Oct, Ali was interviewed by the immigration authorities where he disclosed details of his pending cases in Malaysia.

Rakyat Times has been informed that Amnesty International Sweden is making arrangements for Ali to be given legal representation.
Rakyat Times has also been made to understand that Ali has already been given a work permit and he is free to begin work immediately.
On 24 Oct, Ali was moved to a place in central Sweden and that he is well and now awaits the completion of the process by which he hopes he will be granted asylum in Sweden. rakyattimes

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