Following the leaked information from the most controversial web, Wikileaks, our sources confirmed that Singapore is also in possession of visual evidence in the form of video(s) of Anwar’s homosexual activity(ies).
It is learned that former Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Kwan Yew himself had had the ‘opportunity’ to watch Anwar in action. The video was recorded in a hotel room, frequently reserved by Anwar whenever he visits the lion city. However, we are made to understand that Anwar’s partner in the video, however, wasn’t Saiful Bukhari.
Singapore has always been following Anwar (and all significant figures of Asian politics) and it is not at all startling for the little lion to have such evidence on Anwar.
Singapore, a very unlikely friend to anybody has always been a double crosser towards its neighbours especially Malaysia and Thailand which it presumed to be the closest competitors in the region.
A natural ‘kiasu’ and arrogant by race, Singapore has no respect for any of its neighbours and the Wikileaks proved just that when the web leaked out how Singapore referred to other Asian countries as dumb, incompetent, corrupt and such.
All these while, Singapore is said to be behind in the political unrest across southern Thailand by lending a hand for subversive activities.
The country is also strongly suspected to be behind the famous or infamous ‘16th September supposed coup’. Fortunately, majority of Malaysians are way too smart to fall into the trap and caused the plan to invoke chaos by the Oppositions, failed.
Among other intelligence information on Singapore is that the country is suspected to be the one who actually trained bombers on detonating explosives via handphones.
The Asian countries and Malaysia, particularly, must be grateful to Wikileaks as we now are able to see not only who Anwar really is, but also what Singapore and its leaders really are.
We haven’t heard any respond from Singapore on this. But knowing the kiasus, I don’t think they would give a damn should the world know about how arrogant, insincere and distrustful they are.
The respond from Anwar’s camp confirms that Anwar has finally arrived at a dead-end. Unable to provide good defensive response, Anwar is forced to blame it on UMNO, BN and its leaders, saying that it is the Malaysian intelligence who actually trapped him and that the Singaporeans just played along.
To accuse Malaysian Intelligence to be working together with Singapore to trap Anwar just doesn’t make any sense since Malaysia and Singapore have always been a life-long unofficial enemies.
Any well-informed person on the planet would know that the only likely accomplice with Singapore from Malaysia, would be DAP.
But that’s not the point, the vital point here is: How Do We Trap A Straight Guy Into Having Sex With Another Guy?
By Terrence Fernandez
I have never seen better than this site.
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