Syrians gather near a bus with shattered windows after shootings during a protest in Mouadamieh, near Damascus March 25, 2011. Security forces killed three people in the Mouadamieh district of Damascus, the Syrian capital, after a crowd confronted a procession of cars driven by supporters of President Bashsar al-Assad, residents said.

Hundreds of Syrians march from the Omayyed mosque in the centre of Damascus’ Old City towards Souk Al-Hamadiyeh street on March 25, 2011 chanting ‘Daraa is Syria’ and ‘We will sacrifice ourselves for Syria,’ as protests spread in Syria from the opposition’s southern epicentre of Daraa to Damascus and a town south of the capital, where authorities moved to arrest at least five demonstrators.

Anti-Syrian government protesters, left, and pro-government, right, clash after Friday prayers in Damascus, Syria, Friday, March 25, 2011. Thousands of Syrians took to the streets Friday demanding reforms and mourning dozens of protesters who were killed during a violent, week long crackdown that has brought extraordinary pressure on the country’s autocratic regime, activists and witnesses said.

Syrians shout slogans in support of protesters in the city of Deraa, during a protest in Mouadamieh, near Damascus, March 25, 2011. Security forces killed three people in the Mouadamieh district of Damascus, the Syrian capital, after a crowd confronted a procession of cars driven by supporters of President Bashsar al-Assad, residents said.

Syrians gather during a demonstration in support of protesters in Deraa, in Mouadamieh, near Damascus March 25, 2011. Security forces killed three people in the Mouadamieh district of Damascus, the Syrian capital, after a crowd confronted a procession of cars driven by supporters of President Bashsar al-Assad, residents said.

A man walks past a bus with shattered windows after shootings during a protest in Mouadamieh, near Damascus March 25, 2011. Security forces killed three people in the Mouadamieh district of Damascus, the Syrian capital, after a crowd confronted a procession of cars driven by supporters of President Bashsar al-Assad, residents said.

Anti-Assad Syrian protesters shout slogans after Friday prayers outside the Omayyad Mosque in Damascus, Syria, Friday, March 25, 2011. Thousands of Syrians took to the streets Friday demanding reforms and mourning dozens of protesters who were killed during a violent, week long crackdown that has brought extraordinary pressure on the country’s autocratic regime, activists and witnesses said.

Anti-Syrian government protesters shout slogans as they protest after Friday prayers in Damascus, Syria, Friday, March 25, 2011. Thousands of Syrians took to the streets Friday demanding reforms and mourning dozens of protesters who were killed during a violent, week long crackdown that has brought extraordinary pressure on the country’s autocratic regime, activists and witnesses said.
17 terbunuh demonstrasi di Syria dicemari tembakan
DAMASCUS – Seramai 17 orang terbunuh apabila demonstrasi yang diadakan di Daraa dicemari adegan tembakan, kata seorang aktivis hak kemanusiaan.
“Kesemua mereka terbunuh kerana ditembak ketika sedang berarak dari kampung Sanamen ke Daraa,” ujarnya.
Ujarnya, pasukan keselamatan turut menembak ke arah pembantah yang berkumpul di Daraa, hari ini. – AFP
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