Another UMNO leader lands himself in hot soup following the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission's move to investigate a blog's revelation that cash
payments had been made to his personal bank account in return for a Public Works Department contract.
Deputy Finance minister Awang Adek Hussin, UMNO's choice Kelantan Menteri Besar should it manage to end PAS's long rule in the state, had earlier admitted that he received cash deposits from a Johor leader, but insisted that the payments were donation to fund social programmes for his Bachok UMNO division.
“I have all the records, of who the money comes from and what it is used for. A special officer handles this and I will hand (the records) over to the MACC,” said Awang.
Saying his conscience was clear, Awang insisted that he would reject any contribution with vested interest.
"I accept all donations, unless it comes with vested interests, like giving a donation to get a contract. I don't have anything to do with the award of contracts as it is all done at committee level and I am just a deputy minister," new portal Malaysiakini quoted him as saying.
A blogger with the nickname 'Thewhistleblower711' had claimed that a total of RM100,000 in ‘contributions’ had been made to Awang by a Johor leader whose company eventually won a contract to provide services to Bangunan Sultan Iskandar.
The blog had also linked aides to prime minister and deputy prime minister to the scandal.

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