Here are some headlines :
- Muhyiddin demands to know how al-Qaeda-linked suspects were influenced
- LABUAN: Malaysia wants to know how two of its citizens were influenced to join terrorist-related groups, said Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin. "We want to know how they were influenced,'' he said..
This is a good question by the DPM. Exactly how were they influenced?
Obviously the DPM's question is directed at the Minister of Home Affairs. Here is a picture of the Minister of Home Affairs when he heard the question :
The Minister did attempt a reply. Here is what he said :
- M'sia not used as terrorist recruitment centre, assures Hisham
- terror groups do not use Malaysia as a recruitment ground
- he acknowledged Malaysia may be a transit point for terrorists
- dismissed fears that Malaysia was a recruitment ground
- "I can confirm that this is not the case," he said
- authorities were aware of locals and foreigners having links to terrorists
- sufficient laws to address the threat
I say Hisham, first of all you are talking through your @$$ bro. How can you confirm that Malaysia is not a recruitment ground for international terrorists when the two Malaysian boys have already been arrested in Lebanon and charged in court with terrorist activity? That boy who is only 21 years old was not recruited in Timbuktu, Karachi, Kabul or Makkah. He was recruited here in Malaysia - somewhere between Beranang, Kolej Yayasan Felda Trolak, Kampong Ketek in Malacca and Taman Tun Dr Ismail in Kuala Lumpur.
That was where they must have come into contact with the recruiters. There is also mention of a name Mustapha Mansour - as the Malaysian recruiter. So please dont be telling us that there is no terrorist recruitment going on inside Malaysia. Please wake up.
Secondly Hisham, the DPM wants to know "how they were influenced'' ? This is a relevant question.
Who are the foreign agents who spread the poison among our young Muslims here in Malaysia? And how do they spread this poison? Through the Friday sermons? Through the ceramah subuh? Through the suraus? Through the numerous religious societies, religious parties and religious NGOs? How is the poison spread inside the country?
And what are we doing to curb these foreign ideas from coming into the country?
It was also reported that :
- Several Malaysians are on the police radar
- preparing to join militants in Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Middle East
- Their identities are known to the police
Hisham has also said that there are "sufficient laws to address the threat".
OK Hisham, if there are sufficient laws to address the threat, then what are you doing about those Malaysians who are "preparing to join militants in Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Middle East" ? Takkan nak tunggu sampai depa dah mati meletup bom baru nak buat statement dalam media bro?
What are you doing to prevent these people from blowing something up? Preferably before they blow something up? You say you have sufficient laws to address the threat.
I have said a dozen times now - place curbs on these strange foreigners coming into Malaysia. Do you know why these two boys were not able to enter Syria? Beause the Syrians know that all sorts of terrorists are coming into their country. So they just ban anyone from Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Malaysia, Lebanon, etc from entering their country.
Why dont you follow their example. Or here is an easier solution Hisham. You come from Johor. There is a tiny island to the south called Singapore. There is more to Singapore than Takeshimaya ok. Talk to the Singaporeans and ask them how they curb the beardos and the jubah gangs from entering their country. They must have a system. Why not follow their system? How bad can it be?
Here is another solution bro. The Taliban say that if anyone does not have a full beard (a fist full) then he cannot become a leader of Afghanistan. Why not we modify this idea a little.
Any foreigner from the more whacko Islamic countries (Saudi, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Syria, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Morocco, Sudan, Mali, Niger, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Gaza, Bangladesh, Indian Muslim etc etc etc) who has a full beard (a fist full) should NOT be allowed into the country.
I know I am blowing my own horn here but I think this is a fantastic idea bro. Kan saya ni OutSyed The Box. If you do this, I think 99% of our external terrorist influences will be solved. Think about it dude.

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