Last nite I had dinner with a couple of friends.They kept asking met to lay off the PM. 'Why are you attacking him so much? Kasi chan lah".
As I said its nothing personal. I just like to poke fun at the high and mighty when they act small and chicken sh*tty. Plus this is not some school boy hiding behind his mommy's skirt. This is the PM - hiding behind the wife's skirt. Chill guys. Its all in good fun lah.
Anyway here is a picture (from The Star) of the PM wading in the flood waters.
Is it the job of the PM to wade in the flood waters? Better watch out for buffalo leeches. They are always looking for a## h&%#$.
Anyway there is some mystery about that plane ride the PM took from Hawaii to Los Angeles, then from Los Angeles to Hong Kong, from Los Angeles to Indianapolis.
Along the way the PM lost his plane. He returned home by commercial flight via Hong Kong. The PM's plane (and his wife) also got lost.
Some say the PM's plane is still in Los Angeles. Others say the plane is in Indianapolis.
Who cares where the PM's plane is. The question is where is his wife? She seems to be missing from the country and maybe even from the plane.
The mystery of the PM's plane is now being talked about by a lot of people. Before I say further here is another picture of the PM that is going around.
"I Love PM" Mua ha ha ha.
This picture was taken very recently on board what looks like the PM's plane. The PM is sleeping soundly in his seat - possibly recovering from jet lag flying from Hawaii to Los Angeles, then from LA to Hong Kong and finally from Hong Kong to Malaysia.
It is too small to be an Airbus. Its a single aisle plane with space for three seats on each side. Possibly a Boeing 737. (Those are customised seats, seating two only on each side. There is also a bed in the background).
It is quite a harmless picture but still someone should tell the PM that the cleaning crew or cabin crew have been taking his picture while he was sleeping and sending it around. Tak baik lah ambil gambar orang tengah tidur.
Someone should also tell the PM not to sleep hanging his head down like that. I do that too and it causes severe pain in the back.
Anyway this is from the Malaysian Insider about the mystery of the PM's plane.
- Published: 29 December 2014
- Najib departed following criticisms against him not being in Malaysia during crisis.
- Where is the official government jet that Najib used to return to Malaysia from Hawaii?
- speculations Najib flew to Malaysia on (RMAF) transport plane tail number M53-01.
- Najib went to US via official govt aircraft with tail number 9M-NAA
- showed Airbus A319 used by Najib left Honolulu Xmas Day & ended up in Indianapolis
- The plane has since been untrackable publicly on flight tracking website Flightradar24.
- why official jet did not bring him back but instead a RMAF plane was used
- How did official jet travel eastwards and end in Indianapolis? Who is using the jet?"
- Awani reported Najib arrived 1.40pm Dec 27 in Kelantan
- showed RMAF Boeing 737 departed Subang 5.34am same day and arrived Hong Kong at 8.53am.
- Two hours later, it left Hong Kong for Kota Baru and touched down at 1.40pm.
- - See more at:
Hold on folks. There is a huge mass of protoplasm missing here. Where is the wifey? Takkan tertinggal di Bermuda Triangle? Why did the plane go to Indianapolis? Ada apa kat sana?
Now here are a few more comments (sent into my Blog) about the mystery of the PM's plane trips.
1. Anonymous said... The tail number of the plane is 9M-NAA.
you can track its movements here :
for more information on the plane go to :
This is an Airbus plane with french engines (CFM). Why the heck would they want to fly to Indianapolis for maintenance? PMO goreng again as usual. Netizens, lets find out what is in Indianapolis that took them there.
Monday, December 29, 2014 8:46:00 PM
2. Kaki Kencing Manis said...last checked, M53-01, landed in Hong Kong at 8.53a.m and then landed in Kota Bharu at 13.39p.m on 27th Dec 2014...maybe to refill the gas....haha
3. Desmond said... Those who would like to tract the PM's private jet, here's the link.
you can track its movements here :
for more information on the plane go to :
This is an Airbus plane with french engines (CFM). Why the heck would they want to fly to Indianapolis for maintenance? PMO goreng again as usual. Netizens, lets find out what is in Indianapolis that took them there.
Monday, December 29, 2014 8:46:00 PM
2. Kaki Kencing Manis said...last checked, M53-01, landed in Hong Kong at 8.53a.m and then landed in Kota Bharu at 13.39p.m on 27th Dec 2014...maybe to refill the gas....haha
3. Desmond said... Those who would like to tract the PM's private jet, here's the link.
Indeed, 9M-NAA landed in Los Angeles and never took off from Christmas until now. And mind you, that place is full of shopping extravaganza, not to mention Hollywood and Beverly Hills is there. So why would Rosmah stay so long there? And to add, her "anak angkat Jho Low might be there. Or maybe she might want to visit her anak from previous marriage who is in a film producing company there.
Monday, December 29, 2014 11:45:00 PM
4. Anonymous said... who wanted to trace whereabout PM official can go to and key in 9M-NAA as this is the aircraft no.
Monday, December 29, 2014 11:42:00 PM
5. Unknown said... Jawapan pak kadir... dgn izin...
Sdr Unknown, berikut jawapan operasi media PMO. (Saya juga akan siarkan komen Saudara):
“1.The Prime Minister came back on a commercial flight via Hong Kong where he was picked up picked up (by) the Royal Malaysian Air Force and headed straight to Kota Baru.
2. This arrangement came about as the aircraft which the PM and his family used to travel to Hawaii had to stay behind in the United States to sort out some technical issues.
3. The aircraft had not stayed behind for used (sic) by PM’s family members . Also, they are not in Indianapolis. Thank you.”
I thank the PMO media operation the response.
Thank you.
Monday, December 29, 2014 11:45:00 PM
4. Anonymous said... who wanted to trace whereabout PM official can go to and key in 9M-NAA as this is the aircraft no.
Monday, December 29, 2014 11:42:00 PM
5. Unknown said... Jawapan pak kadir... dgn izin...
Sdr Unknown, berikut jawapan operasi media PMO. (Saya juga akan siarkan komen Saudara):
“1.The Prime Minister came back on a commercial flight via Hong Kong where he was picked up picked up (by) the Royal Malaysian Air Force and headed straight to Kota Baru.
2. This arrangement came about as the aircraft which the PM and his family used to travel to Hawaii had to stay behind in the United States to sort out some technical issues.
3. The aircraft had not stayed behind for used (sic) by PM’s family members . Also, they are not in Indianapolis. Thank you.”
I thank the PMO media operation the response.
Thank you.
Monday, December 29, 2014 10:21:00 PM
So where is the First Lady of Malaysia? Tak balik-balik pun melawat mangsa banjir. Where is the wifey?
OutSyed The Box

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