GEORGE TOWN: Beware of politicians bearing gifts,especially when a election is around the corner, warned a university dean.
Sivamurugan Pandian, deputy dean at Universiti Sains Malaysia, said the days of hoodwinking the public with promises of development and a better life is all in the past.
He said for the next general elections, political parties must wake up and change their approach to cater to the growing number of sophisticated voters.
“These sophisticated voters would eventually influence others, especially in rural areas.They will take the lead and set the pattern of voting in the next general election.
He said that even during the last general election, the cyber-savvy urban voters have overwhelmingly rejected “goodies” politics.
” As a result of this trend, Pakatan Rakyat managed to win four states, retain another and deny Barisan Nasional (BN) its traditional parliamentary two-thirds majority.”
He warned that political parties would face difficulties to woo voters in the next general election if they do not change their political style and continued with hollow promises.
He said the politics of bearing gifts and promises of development is still working because of the socio-economic status of voters, especially in certain rural areas.
However, he forecasts the situation to change due to rapid urbanisation, industrialisation and computerisation, which would eventually transform the political and socio-economic landscape of the country.
He said that political parties must realise that voters were becoming more aware of what is happening in the country with the growth of cyber media and democratic space via the Internet.
He said because of this, the voters’ demand for good governance will grow by the day.
“In four or five years’ time, many would become the critical silent majority. They will not be influenced by political parties offering election goodies, like hampers, land titles, tarring of roads, upgrading of public toilets and drains just before an election.”
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