Ketika negara semakin menghampiri hari pengundian Ahad ini, kajiselidik terbaru Merdeka Centre mendapati rating Pengerusi BN, Najib Razak menjunam lagi tiga peratus berbanding tinjauan terakhirnya sebelum ini.
Rating Najib menjunam dari 64 kepada hanya 61 peratus, kurang 11 peratus ketika BEKAS perdana menteri, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi membubarkan parlimen dan hilang lima negeri serta majoriti dua pertiga di parlimen pada 2008.
Kajiselidik di kalangan pengundi di Semenanjung antara 28 April hingga 2 Mei itu juga meletakkan Pakatan Rakyat mendahului BN dari segi parti pilihan untuk membentuk kerajaan.
Menurut keputusan kajiselidik itu yang dikeluarkan hari ini, 42 peratus bersetuju dengan pilihan "Pakatan Rakyat patut diberi peluang mentadbir negara" berbanding dengan 41 peratus yang berpendapat "Hanya BN boleh memerintah negara".
Bagaimanapun, 4 peratus enggan memberi respon manakala 13 peratus menjawab mereka "tidak tahu".
Kajian itu juga menunjukkan Pakatan Rakyat mendahului BN dengan jumlah kerusi 89 berbalas 85 dengan 46 kerusi lain masih belum dipastikan kerana margin perbezaaan terlalu rendah, iaitu kurang dari TIGA peratus.
Di Semenanjung, Pakatan Rakyat jauh mendahului BN dengan 81 kerusi berbanding BN cuma 50 tetapi diselamatkan dengan kerusi dari Sabah dan Sarawak.
Sabah dijangka menyumbang 16 kerusi buat BN manakala Pakatan Rakyat cuma menang dua kerusi, meninggalkan ENAM lagi kerusi menjadi rebutan.
Di Sarawak, keadaannya lebih kurang serupa iaitu BN dijangka menguasai 19 kerusi parlimen berbanding lima untuk Pakatan manakala ENAM kerusi juga masih belum dapat ditentukan.
News Release
May 3rd 2013
BN and Pakatan neck to neck in race to finish line
BANGI – Just 60 hours ahead of Malaysia’s historic 13th general election, a survey carried among voters in Peninsular Malaysia between April 28th to May 2nd 2013 found that ruling coalition Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat are almost evenly tied.
In the survey, we found that 42% of voters agreed that “Pakatan Rakyat should be given a chance to govern the country” while 41% of voters felt “Only BN can govern the country”, at the same time, 4% of voters refused to respond while 13% of voters said they “did not know”.
The same survey found that the prime minister’s approval rating just days from polling day to be 61% down from 64% (based on a survey conducted 12th to 17th March 2013). In our opinion this figure reflects the slide in the so-called “feel good” factor generated by the large scale distribution of Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M) and such cash handouts targeting various sectors of the electorate.
Concerns over the economy (25%) topped the list of issues voters wanted to hear discussed or debated during the election followed by matters pertaining to administration and leadership 9%, social issues and public safety 7%, race-related issues 7% and corruption at 6%.
Opinion on Election Outcome
Based on the survey results and the assumption that the election is free and fair, we estimate that neither Barisan Nasional nor Pakatan Rakyat were in the lead as at 9:30pm on May 2nd 2013. Transposed onto the parliamentary constituency grid, our estimates for current standings based on this and other surveys are as follows:
The survey was carried out by the Merdeka Center for Opinion Research between 9:00am 28th April and 9:30PM on 2nd May 2013. 1,600 registered voters comprising 59% Malay, 2% Chinese and 9% Indian respondents were interviewed by telephone in the poll. Respondents were selected on the basis of random stratified sampling along ethnicity, gender and parliamentary constituencies. The interviews were carried out in the preferred language of the respondents. The survey was funded internally by Merdeka Center for Opinion Research for release to the public.

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