Ratu England mengenakan tudung kepala, Ratu Norway menanggalkan Mahkotanya dan mengenakan tudung. Sudah sampai masanya JAKIM mengeluarkan panduan untuk orang Islam beramah mesra dengan umat Islam dalam masjid dengan semangat 1Malaysia , 1Bapa iaitu Nabi Adam as.

Agak-agaknya apa doa yang dibaca oleh imam atau khatib apabila orang kenamaan bukan Islam ini datang melawat masjid, melaknat mereka, mengutuk mereka atau mendoakan agar mereka dapat memerintah dengan adil ?
Queen Elizabeth in Mosque, Veiled
CAIRO — A visit by Queen Elizabeth II to one of Turkey’s most important mosques, where she took off her shoes, donned a head-cover and listened to verses from the Noble Qur'an made headlines in the British press on Thursday, May 15. "Queen wears headscarf at Turkish mosque," read the headline of Britain's The Telegraph. "Her Majesty, who had been wearing a wide-brimmed hat and white shoes, adhered to the Islamic dress code, which requires women to cover their heads and all visitors to remove their footwear, during the visit to the 15th century Green Mosque in the eastern city of Bursa."
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