The LibDem Party President's role is to chair the Federal Executive Committee, to be a spokesperson for the party membership, and to represent the members' views to the party leadership. This is a separate function to the Party Leader, Nick Clegg, who is currently Britain’s Deputy Prime Minister.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
I received a letter in the post today. It was from my party, the Liberal Democrats, which I had joined before the recent UK general elections.
You see; our party is having its party election, almost the same time as PKR. But we are just choosing our next party president, who serves for only four years. We do not do silly things like also choose a deputy president, three or seven vice presidents, the youth leader, the women’s wing leader, the supreme council members, the youth and women's wing EXCO members, and all that other nonsense.
And, just like PKR, all party members of the LibDem may vote. And we receive the ballot papers, together with a two-page leaflet about both candidates, through the post. There is no mad scramble to see who can receive the most number of nominations.
There are no press statements, slandering, name-calling, back-stabbing, cursing, smearing, swearing, ranting, raving, punch-ups, bar-room brawls, breaking of heads, hundreds of police reports, and whatnot -- like we see in PKR. Everything is done in a very civilised and matured manner. It’s quite boring, actually.
Now do you know why I am a member of LibDem? I am too cultured to be a member of an uncivilised party that fights each other instead of the enemy. Baca Seterusnya
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